Private courses

Interested in a private course for your rehabilitation team? These courses range from 1-2 days on topics such as neuro, balance, and SCI. Options are available for online courses or in-person courses that incorporate both lecture and laboratory components.

*I am currently booked through 2024 with only a few slots available in 2025

The excitement in our dept. today was incredible … so much thanks to your knowledge, presence and enthusiasm. I thought you should know !! All the best !!
— Feedback from a course participant


These consultations are meant as a platform for therapists to discuss patient cases and work together to brainstorm intervention ideas.

*I am currently booked through 2024 with only a few slots available in 2025

Continuing education

Check out the courses that I offer to continue to expand your knowledge and expertise in working with persons with neurological conditions. These are opportunities to learn from each other and grow our toolbox!